Walk-in Date: 02-04/12/2019.
Purabi Dairy/ WAMUL invites candidates for a Walk-In Interview for the following posts on contract basis for a period of 3 years initially under the World Bank financed APART. The selected candidates will be placed at the office of West Assam Milk-producers Union Coop Ltd (Purabi Dairy), Panjabari, Guwahati.
1. Assistant-I (Marketing)
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: Graduate from a Recognized University.
Experience: 1 to 3 years in Sales & Marketing Preferably from FMCG/ Food product industry.
Age: The maximum age of the candidate should be 30 years as on 1st January 2019.However, in case of exceptionally talented candidate having wide relevant experience this requirement may be relaxed.
Remuneration: Rs. 2.02 lakh per year.
2. Assistant-I (P&I)
No of posts: 2
Educational Qualification: Any Graduate from a recognized institute/University.
Experience: Minimum 1 year of relevant working experience, preferably in development sector. Experience in village-based extension activities will be an added advantage.
Age: The maximum age of the candidate should be 30 years as on 1st January 2019.However, in case of exceptionally talented candidate having wide relevant experience this requirement may be relaxed.
Remuneration: Rs. 2.02 lakh per year.
3. Attendant (Logistics)
No of posts: 1
Educational Qualification: H.S pass from a recognized Institute.
Experience: 1 year experience in field related distribution activity.
Age: The maximum age of the candidate should be 30 years as on 1st January 2019. However, in case of exceptionally talented candidate having wide relevant experience this requirement may be relaxed.
Remuneration: Rs. 1.8 lakh per year.
How to apply: Interested and eligible Candidates (from India) having the required qualification, experience and skill-set may directly walk-in for Interview on following date/s before 10:30 AM at the office of the West Assam Milk-producers Union Coop Ltd (Purabi Dairy), Panjabari, Ghy - 781037.
At the discretion of Mananging Director, WAMUL candidates arriving after 10.30 AM on the date of walk-in-Interview may not be considered/entertained for the interview process.
a) Assistant-I (Marketing): 3rd December (Tuesday)
b) Assistant-I (P&I): 2nd December (Monday)
c) Attendant (Logistics): 4th December (Wednesday)
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