Daily Quiz - 27-04-2024
1. The historic Assam Accord was signed on

2. বায়ু প্ৰদূষণ ৰােধ কৰাৰ উত্তম পন্থা হ’ব

3. Who presides over the joint sitting of the Parliament

4. Statement: Should government jobs in rural areas have more incentives? Arguments: Yes. Incentives are essential for attracting government servants there. No. Rural areas are already cheaper, healthier and less complex than big cities. So ? Why offer extra incentives!

5. কাৰ্ল য়ুঙে মানুহৰ প্ৰকৃতিৰ ওপৰত ভিত্তি কৰি ব্যক্তিত্বক দুটা ভাগত ভাগ কৰিছিল

6. The Constitution of India adopted the federal system from the Act of

7. মই কাইলৈ গুৱাহাটীলৈ যাম--- গুৱাহাটীলৈ শব্দটোত তলৰ কোনটো শব্দ বিভক্তি শুদ্ধ?

8. She ___________ for effective follow up of agenda.

9. The first stadium of Assam was built in

10. অধাতুৰ অক্সাইডসমূহ