Assam Police Admit Card 2019: Download Grade IV (PWD) Call Letter

Assam Police is going to release the admit card for the recruitment of various Grade - IV posts reserved for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) of different departments under the Government of Assam from 28th of November 2019.

Name of post: Grade - IV
Examination Date:
 From 16-12-2019

The Digital Viva Test for the posts of Grade - IV reserved for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) of different departments under the Government of Assam in pursuance to advertisement dated 30th December 2018 has been scheduled to be held in the respective district Headquarters w.e.f. 16-12-2019 as per the schedule published in the website.

The test will be conducted in three types and marks will be assigned as under:

Type A: 3 (Three) questions on History of Assam carrying 1 (One) mark each.
Type B: 3 (Three) questions on General Knowledge carrying 1 (One) mark each.
Type C: 3 (Three) questions on Cultural, Polity, Geography and Economy of Assam carrying 1 (One) mark each.

Candidates are requested to visit SLPRB website to download their Admit Cards w.e.f. 28th of November 2019.

The Test will be conducted district wise across the State. The district-wise schedule on conduct of Digital Viva Test has been uploaded in SLPRB website

Candidates are asked to bring the following documents in original alongwith a set of self attested copies of the same on the day of examination:-

1. Disability Certificate mentioning actual percentage of disability.
2. Certificates of Educational Qualification and marksheet of qualifying examination.
3. Experience Certificate of earlier work, if any
4. Certificates on Computer Course, if any
5. Certificates on Sports/ Dance/Singing/Martial Arts etc. if any

For any further queries/clarifications, candidates may contact the Chairman, State Level Police Recruitment Board, Assam, Rehabari-8.
Helpline number- 7636071991, 7636071992, 7636071993.

Official Notice: Click Here .
Examination Scheme: Click Here .
Download Admit: Click Here . 
[From 28/11/2019]

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