Dibrugarh University Recruitment 2019: Assistant Professor (English) [Walk-In] Walk-in Date: 29/11/2019.

Dibrugarh University.
Walk-in Date: 29/11/2019.

Walk-in-Interview will be held on 29/11/2019 at 10.30 A.M. in the Bhojraj Seth Conference Hall of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for one temporary post of Assistant Professor on contract basis in English at the Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, DU.

Name of post: Assistant Professor (English)
No of posts:
 1, Open

Essential Qualification:
(i) Master’s Degree with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in the Seven point scale in the subject.
A relaxation of 5% may be provided at the Graduate and Master’s level for the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/ Differently-abled (Physically and Visually differently-abled) categories for the purpose of eligibility. Preference shall be given to those candidates having NET I SLET/SET or the Ph. D.

(a) A Degree/Diploma in Distance Education.
(b) Working experience in Distance Education Programme as Counsellor, Course Writer, Editor, etc.
(c) Any research experience related to Distance Education.

Remuneration: Rs. 25,000/- per month (for having NET/SLET/SET or the Ph.D. as per rule) and Rs.20,000f- per month (Consolidated) (For those not having either NET/SLET/SET or Ph.D.)

How to apply: Interested candidates having the requisite qualification may appear in the interview with copies of bio-data, attested copies Of all testimonials and experience certificate, (if any) along with the original certificates of qualifications for verification.

They will have to register their names as candidates by paying Rs, 200/- (Rupees two hundred) only before the interview.
Walk-in schedule: 
Date: 29/11/2019
Time: 10.30 A.M.
VenueBhojraj Seth Conference Hall of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office, DU.
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Statement and Argument

Basic of computer knowledge MCQ

Indian Constitution And Politics MCQ

Assam Polity

Idioms and Phrases

Sentence Correction



Spotting Errors

Theme Detection

Assam Govt Interview TOP 100 MCQ

Culture Assam MCQ

Assam GK MCQ

Assam History MCQ

Assamese Grammar Part 1 (অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ) MCQ

Assamese Grammar Part 2 (অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ) MCQ

Assamese Language MCQ

অসম ইতিহাস MCQ

Determiners (English Grammar)

Tenses (English Grammar)

অসমীয়া সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান MCQ

Prepositions (English Grammar ) MCQ

Change of Voice ( English Grammar)

Political Science MCQ

ভাৰতীয় ইতিহাস (Indian History) MCQ

Social Science (সমাজ বিজ্ঞান) MCQ

অর্থনীতি (Economics ) MCQ

Environmental Science (পৰিৱেশ বিজ্ঞান ) MCQ

PEDAGOGY (শিক্ষণ বিজ্ঞান) MCQ

ভূগোল (Geography) MCQ

গণিত (Mathematics) MCQ

পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান (Physics) MCQ

ৰাসায়ন বিজ্ঞান (Chemistry) MCQ

জীববিজ্ঞান (Biology) MCQ

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