Biswanath College.
Last Date: 15 Days.
Applications are invited In prescribed proforma for filling up the following SANCTIONED POSTS of Assistant Professor of Biswanath College, Biswanath Chariali, Assam.
Name of post: Assistant Professor
No of posts: 14 posts
EDUCATION-2 posts: 1 (one) Unreserved, 1 (one) Reserved for OBC/MOBC.
ECONOMICS-1 post: Unreserved
PHILOSOPHY-1 Post Unreserved
PHYSICS-2 Posts: 1 (one) Unreserved, 1 (one) Reserved for ST (H)
CHEMISTRY-1 Post: Unreserved
BOTANY-3 Posts: 2 (two) Unreserved, 1 (one) reserved for SC
ZOOLOGY-3 Posts: 2 (two) unreserved, 1 (one) reserved for ST (H)
NEPALI-1 Post: Unreserved
Educational Qualification: Candidates must possess the latest UGC Norms with NET/ SLET/SET or PhD Degree in accordance with the UGC Regulation, 2009 (excluding the candidates obtained PhD Degree from off campus)
Age: The age of the candidates should not exceed 38 years as on 01-01-2019 (relaxable up to 5 years for SC/ST/PWO and 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates.)
* The candidates must have Permanent Residential Certificate and must know local languages.
* Candidates in service must apply through proper channel.
How to apply: Applications complete in all aspects with necessary documents-testimonials along with a Demand Draft of Rs. 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) drawn in favour of Principal, Biswanath College, Biswanath Chanel' payable at SBI. Biswanath Chariali Branch should reach the undersigned within 15 days from the publication [01/10/2019] of this advertisement.
Address: Dr. Chinta Mani Sharma, Principal, Biswanath College, Biswanath Chariali, Assam, 784176 Email: bcollege1960@gmailcom