Directorate of Fisheries, Assam Admit Card 2019: Junior Assistant, Download

Directorate of Fisheries, Assam

Director of Fisheries, Assam, Guwahati has released the admit card as well as finalised the examination date for the recruitment to the post of Junior Assistant under the Directorate of Fisheries, Assam.

Accordingly, the written Test (OMR) for the post of Junior Assistant in the establishment of Directorate of Fisheries, Assam as per Advertisement Published in Axomia Pratidin dtd. 27.10.2018 No. Janasanyog/D/6153/18 and Assam Tribune dtd. 27.10.2018 No. Janasanyog/D/6154/18 and other news papers is scheduled to be held on 15.09.2019 (3rd Sunday).

Admit Card:
The individual Admit Card of the eligible candidates has already been sent by post. However, Candidates are requested to download the Admit Card from the website from 05.09.2019.

Examination Date:
The examination is scheduled to be held on 15.09.2019 (3rd Sunday). The date, time, venue schedule of examination are mentioned clearly in the Admit Card alongwith detailed instructions to the candidates for the examination. The Candidates are hereby asked to bring the Admit Card of centre copy and candidate copy and have to produce in the examination hall without fall.

Download Admit: Click Here .

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Statement and Argument

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Idioms and Phrases

Sentence Correction



Spotting Errors

Theme Detection

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Assamese Grammar Part 1 (অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ) MCQ

Assamese Grammar Part 2 (অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ) MCQ

Assamese Language MCQ

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Determiners (English Grammar)

Tenses (English Grammar)

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Prepositions (English Grammar ) MCQ

Change of Voice ( English Grammar)

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Social Science (সমাজ বিজ্ঞান) MCQ

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Environmental Science (পৰিৱেশ বিজ্ঞান ) MCQ

PEDAGOGY (শিক্ষণ বিজ্ঞান) MCQ

ভূগোল (Geography) MCQ

গণিত (Mathematics) MCQ

পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান (Physics) MCQ

ৰাসায়ন বিজ্ঞান (Chemistry) MCQ

জীববিজ্ঞান (Biology) MCQ

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