Social Welfare, Assam Recruitment 2019: Statistical Assistant at Morigaon District [2 posts]

Social Welfare, Morigaon

Social Welfare, Assam.
Last Date: 30/09/2019.

Applications in Standard Form of Application Assam Gazette (Part-IX) are invited from the citizen of India as defined in the Article 5 & 8 of the Constitution of India to fill up the following posts in Morigaon District under Social Welfare, Assam in the scale Of pay as shown against the following:

Name of post: Statistical Assistant (Temporary Post on Regular Basis)
No of posts
: 02 (UR-1,OBC/MOBC-1)

Pay: Rs. 22,000/- to 65,500/- +Grade Pay Rs. 7600/-

Terms and Conditions: The candidate must be a permanent resident of Morigaon District, Assam. As a proof of residence, the applicant will have to submit a photocopy of any one document namely Voter ID/ PRC/ Employment Registration Certificate/ Resident Certificate from the concerned Circle Officer.

Educational Qualification: The candidate must have minimum educational qualification is Graduate in Arts, Science & Commerce With Economics/ Statistics/ Mathematics as one of the subjects at degree level.

Age: The candidate should not be less than 21 years and more than 38 (thirty-eight) years Of age at the time of application irrespective of fresh or candidates applying through proper channel. The upper age is relaxable as per Govt. norms for the candidates belonging to OBC/MOBC/SC/ST and Persons with Disabilities.

The candidate should submit Age proof Certificate (Birth Certificate/ Admit Card of H.S.LC or equivalent examination).

How to apply: The applications should be accompanied by self-attested copies of all testimonials regarding educational qualification, Age, Caste, Valid Employment Exchange Registration Card (registration should be at Morigaon District) along with 3 (three) copies of recent passport size photographs duly signed by the candidate on the reverse side. Candidates in Service belong to Morigaon District should apply through proper Channel as per the procedure.

The applicants should be mentioned email address along with their applications.

The application should be addressed to the Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Morigaon, Ward No. 2, Pasatia, Pin: 782105.

The last date of receipt of application is 30/09/2019 at Office of the District Social Welfare Officer, Morigaon, Ward No. 2, Pasatia, Pin: 782105.

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