Last Date: 25/02/2019.
Walk-in-interview will be held on 25.02.2019 from 11:00 A.M onwards at the Office of the Mission Director, Saikia Commercial Complex, Christian Basti, Guwahati-5 for engagement on Contractual Basis for the following position under National Health Mission, Assam.
Name of post: Clinical Instructor
No of posts: 11 nos. (may increase at the time of final recruitment)
Eligibility & Qualification:
a) B.Sc. Nursing/ Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing passed and registered with “Assam Nurses’ Midwives’ and Health Visitors’ Council”.
b) Preference will be given to the candidates having teaching experience.
Age: Up to 43 years as on 31st December 2018.
Remuneration: Rs. 20, 000/- per month (under revision).
How to apply: The candidates shall bring all original testimonials for verification along with a set of self-attested photocopies of the testimonials to appear the walk-in-interview.
Candidates who are already working under NHM, Assam shall not apply and will not be considered for selection. Any such candidate if detected later on, their selection will be cancelled and contract will be terminated immediately. The candidates shall visit NHM official website for details.
Walk-in date: 25.02.2019
Time: 11:00 A.M
Venue: Mission Director, Saikia Commercial Complex, Christian Basti, Guwahati-5
Advertisement Details: Pl check here .
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