Power Grid Recruitment 2019 : Assistant Engineer Via GATE 2018 [42 Posts]

Power Grid

Last Date: 28/02/2019.

Power Grid, the Central Transmission Utility (CTU) of India, one of the largest Transmission Utilities in the World and a Navratna Enterprise of Govt. of India. Power Grid is looking for Bright, Committed and Energetic Engineers in Electrical / Electronics / Civil disciplines to join its fold as Assistant Engineer Trainee on the basis of GATE 2018score :

Name of post: Assistant Engineer (Trainee)
No of posts:
 42 posts (Electrical-30, Electronics-05, Civil-07)  (UR-24, OBC-10, SC-06, ST-02)

Age: 28 years as on 31/12/2017.
Stipend and Pay Scale: Selected candidates will be placed in the pay scale of Rs.40000-3%-140000 (IDA) during the one-year training period. They shall be paid a stipend in the form of Basic Pay of Rs. 40,000/-  IDA, HRA and Perks @12% of basic pay during training period. On successful completion of training, the candidates will be absorbed as Engineers in E2 scale - Rs. 50,000/- 3%- 1, 60,000/- (IDA).

Eligibility Criteria: Full Time B.E./ B.Tech/ B.Sc (Engg.) from recognized University/ Institute with Minimum 65% or Equivalent CGPA in respective branch/es of engineering. Candidate should have appeared in the corresponding paper of GATE 2018. 

Apply Online: Apply Online from 31/01/2019 to 28/02/2019 at Power Grid Website only.

Advertisement Details: Pl checkhttp://www.powergridindia.com/sites/default/files/Detailed%20Advt_AET%20through%20GATE%202018.pdf
Apply Online: Click Here .

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Statement and Argument

Basic of computer knowledge MCQ

Indian Constitution And Politics MCQ

Assam Polity

Idioms and Phrases

Sentence Correction



Spotting Errors

Theme Detection

Assam Govt Interview TOP 100 MCQ

Culture Assam MCQ

Assam GK MCQ

Assam History MCQ

Assamese Grammar Part 1 (অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ) MCQ

Assamese Grammar Part 2 (অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ) MCQ

Assamese Language MCQ

অসম ইতিহাস MCQ

Determiners (English Grammar)

Tenses (English Grammar)

অসমীয়া সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান MCQ

Prepositions (English Grammar ) MCQ

Change of Voice ( English Grammar)

Political Science MCQ

ভাৰতীয় ইতিহাস (Indian History) MCQ

Social Science (সমাজ বিজ্ঞান) MCQ

অর্থনীতি (Economics ) MCQ

Environmental Science (পৰিৱেশ বিজ্ঞান ) MCQ

PEDAGOGY (শিক্ষণ বিজ্ঞান) MCQ

ভূগোল (Geography) MCQ

গণিত (Mathematics) MCQ

পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান (Physics) MCQ

ৰাসায়ন বিজ্ঞান (Chemistry) MCQ

জীববিজ্ঞান (Biology) MCQ

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