APGCL Recruitment 2019 : Laboratory Assistant/ GNM/ ANM [10 Posts]

Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited.

Last Date: 21/01/2019.

Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited [APGCL] invites applications from citizens of India having requisite qualification for filling up following vacancies under Assam Power Generation Corporation Limited in the Pay Band and grade pay as shown below plus other allowances as admissible as per Corporation’s rules and orders in force from time to time.

1. Laboratory Assistant
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Educational Qualification: Bachelor’s degree in Science with Honours/ Major in Chemistry with minimum 50% marks in Honours/ Major subject from any University recognised by the Govt. of Assam/University Grants Commission.
Age: Not less than 21 years (Twenty One) & not more than 44 years (Forty Four) as on 31/10/2018.

2. Staff Nurse/GNM
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Educational Qualification: Passed GNM (General Nursing & Midwifery) from any Govt. Medical College of India/Govt. Approved Institute after passing 10+2. Must be registered with State Nursing Council of Assam.
Age: Not less than 18 years (Eighteen) & not more than 44 years (Forty Four) as on 31/10/2018.

3. Auxiliary Nurse/ ANM
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Educational Qualification: Passed ANM (Auxiliary Nursing & Midwifery) from any Govt. Medical College of India/Govt. Approved Institute after passing 10+2. Must be registered with State Nursing Council of Assam.
Age: Not less than 18 years (Eighteen) & not more than 44 years (Forty Four) as on 31/10/2018.


For Laboratory Assistant: Pay Scale of Rs 16,800/-Rs 60,500/- with Grade Pay of Rs 7,600/-
For Staff Nurse/GNM: Pay Scale of Rs 16,800/-Rs 60,500/- with Grade Pay of Rs 6,800/-
For Auxiliary Nurse/ANM: Pay Scale of Rs 16,800/-Rs 60,500/- with Grade Pay of Rs 6,300/-

Application Fee (Non-refundable): Rs. 500.00 (Rupees five hundred) only in case of General/OBC & MOBC category of candidates and in case Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe category of candidates Rs. 250.00 (Rupees two fifty) only payable by Demand Draft to be pledged in favour of Deputy General Manager (F&A), APGCL,3rd Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltanbazar, Guwahati- 781001. If any candidate does not pay or pay less than amount prescribed, his candidatures will automatically be cancelled.

How to apply: Applications in the prescribed format available in APGCL’s website www.apgcl.orgduly completed and signed, along with certified photocopies of all relevant documents in support of age, educational qualifications, proof of Domicile etc. are to be sent to General Manager (HR), APGCL, 3rd Floor, Bijulee Bhawan, Paltan Bazar, Guwahati-781001 on or before 14/01/2019

The candidates must be citizen of India and domicile of Assam.

Advertisement Details: Pl check here and Here .

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