Directorate Of Inland Water Transport, Assam Recruitment, October 2017 [PWD Only]

Directorate of Inland Water Transport, Assam.

Last Date: 20/10/2017.

Applications are invited in Standard Form published in the Assam Gazette in part-IX from Indian citizens for filling up of the following vacant sanctioned posts for Persons with Disability under the Directorate of Inland Water Transport, Assam, Ulubari, Guwahati-7.

1. Junior Assistant (District level)
No of posts: 
01 ( Low Vision/ Hearing impaired/ Locomotor)
Pay: PB -2 Rs. 14000-49000+ GP. Rs. 5600/-
Educational Qualification: A candidate must have Bachelor Degree (Arts/ Science/Commerce) from a recognized University or any examination declared equivalent by the Govt.

2. Chowkider
No of posts: 
01 ( Low Vision/ Hearing impaired/ Locomotor)
Pay: PB-1 Rs. 12000-37500+ GP. Rs. 3900/-
Educational Qualification: Class VIII passed

3. Khalashi
No of posts: 
05 [ Low Vision- 1, Hearing impaired-2, Locomotor-2]
Pay: PB-1 Rs. 12000-37500+ GP. Rs. 3900/-
Educational Qualification: Class VIII passed

4. Field Khalashi
No of posts: 
03 [Low Vision- 1, Hearing impaired-1, Locomotor-1]
Pay: PB-1 Rs. 12000-37500+ GP. Rs. 3900/-
Educational Qualification: Class VIII passed

5. Ghat- Helper
No of posts: 
03 [Low Vision- 1, Hearing impaired-1, Locomotor-1]
Pay: PB-1 Rs. 12000-37500+ GP. Rs. 3900/-
Educational Qualification: Class VIII passed

Age : Candidates / Applicants should not be less than 18(eighteen) years and not more than 43(forty three) years of age as on 01.01.2017. The upper age limit is relax able by 5 years in case of SC/ST candidates.

Selection Process: Candidates will have to appear for written test and or viva at their own expenses if and when called for.

How to apply: Employment registration No. is mandatory and candidates/applicants must mention the Registration No. along with date in their applications. Candidates serving in Govt. should submit their applications through proper channel as per Govt. norms. The envelope containing the application should be clearly marked as “Application for the post of Persons with Disability category.

The applications are to be submitted to the DIRECTORATE OF INLAND WATER TRANSPORT, ASSAM, Ulubari, Guwahati-7.

The application are to be submitted with the following requisites attached thereto
a) One self addressed envelope of 5 cm x 11 cm affixing unused postal stamp of Rs. 5/-(Rupees five) only
b) Attested copies of Persons with Disability Certificate issued by Competent Authority.
c) Attested copies of all certificates in support of Educational Qualification, Age, Caste etc.
d) 2(two) copies of recent passport size photograph duly self attested.
e) Attested copy of valid Registration Certificates of Employment Exchange.

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