Gauhati University OTBE 2021
In view of steep rise of COVID-19 pandemic in Assam, the Gauhati University has decided to conduct all the pending examinations through Open Text Book Examination (OBTE) in the online mode. In this article, we will discuss everything about Gauhati University (GU) Open Text Book Examination (OTBE) or Open Book Examination (OBE).
What is Open Text Book Examination (OTBE) ?
The Open Text Book Examination (OTBE) or Open Book Examination (OBE) is an examination, where a student is allowed to consult books (or study materials) while writing the answers. For all other aspects, the OTBE or OBE is similar to a traditional examination. It will also have a limited time schedule within which the student needs to write the answers and submit the answer script.
At present, Gauhati University OTBE (or OBE) will be held online.
Salient Features of Gauhati University OTBE 2021
# The examinations in this session will be an OTBE which will be held online.
ONLY Theory Part of the examination will held now. Details about Practical Examinations will be notified later. Besides, the duration of various examinations will be published with the respective examination schedules.
# There WILL NOT be any offline OR physical facility during the whole process of examination. All processes including downloading of question papers and uploading of answer scripts will ONLY be available in the online mode.
# All students have to equip themselves with proper equipment with sufficient network connectivity bandwidth and data pack so as to comfortably complete the OTBE within the stipulated time. It is extremely important to note that the university will NOT entertain any complaint in this regard.
# The university will provide a Practice Examination Session for the students to rehearse the entire procedure before the actual examination starts.
Gauhati University OTBE Examination Procedure
Following are the steps which a student will need to follow in order to appear in the OTBE. The detailed date and respective online links will be published in due course of time.
Prior to the OTBE
# The student will need to update his / her mobile number through the IUMS .
# The student is advised to visit the Practice OTBE portal for a rehearsal of the whole process.
On the day of the OTBE
# The student will need to login to the examination portal using certain credentials.
# The student then downloads the respective question paper on his / her device.
# The student needs to write the answers using a pen on A4 sheets (for details please see this page) of paper (please also see the limitations on size of the scanned answer sheets to be uploaded).
# The student then scans the answer sheets and convert the scanned pages to a PDF (Portable Document Format) file using advised procedure (see below to know how).
# At the end of the examination, the students upload ** the the scanned PDF file(s) to the examination portal.
** The upload facility open after half an hour of the commencement of the examination and will remain open up to one hour after the end of the examination.
Question Paper for GU OTBE 2021
# The marks for a question paper for OTBE-2021 will be 70% of the equivalent respective offline or physical question paper (or traditional). For example, if otherwise a question paper has a total marks of 100, the respective question paper for OTBE-2021 will be held for 70 marks.
# However, it is important to note that the question paper will cover full syllabus of the subject.
# During the OTBE-2021, in a question paper, there will be some questions, to answer which the student will require proper understanding of the subject.
How to Prepare GU OTBE 2021 Answer Script ?
This is undoubtedly the most important part of the examination and require you to have a meticulous planning. For your reference, we have prepared a template file containing the sample front page and other pages, which you can download and printout to be used as your answer script in this page.
1.All answers MUST be handwritten by the examinee on white & blank A4 sheets of paper.
2.The first page of the answer scripts MUST contain the following
◦ Subject Name and Subject Code
◦ Registration No
◦ Roll No
◦ Paper Code
3.All the pages MUST contain page numbers.
Upload Limits of GU OTBE Exam
1. At the end of the examination, the student will need to scan the hand written pages of the answer script and convert it to a single PDF file using an appropriate app (as advised).
2. The maximum limits of the resultant PDF file, which is to be uploaded, is 5.0 MB.
3. Once a student uploads the PDF file, the upload will be closed for that examination and the student will NOT be able to upload it again.
Therefore, it is extremely important that the student practices beforehand so as to have a smooth uploading experience.
GU Mock Test Portal for OTBE
Gauhati University (GU) will open a Mock Test Portal (MTP) to familiarise the students to the online Open Text Book Examination (OTBE) process.
The MTP will be open for different streams on different days (prior to the actual examination) and will typically open for a couple of days, depending on the number of examinee in the streams, the schedule for which is given in the drop-down menu (or you can click on the button at the bottom this page).
It is important to NOTE that this Mock Test is NOT meant to test the knowledge of the examinee or to provide any sample question paper for any subject. This test is just an effort to familiarise the student to the technicalities of the online examination process as there WILL NOT be any offline processes during the process.
How will the GU Mock Test be Conducted?
# The schedule of tests for various streams and subjects will be published in this page.
# A student is supposed to login to the MTP on the day for that particular stream or subject with the credentials (as per requirements given in the MTP).
# The Mock Test portal will be open from 08:00 Hours to 16:00 Hours on a day and a student can log in anytime during this period. They can also login multiple times to see if the process is satisfactory if they face some difficulty in one login session.
# Upon login to the MTP, the student will be required to download a document (NOT a Question Paper), the process of which will be same as downloading the actual question paper. A sample of this document can also be found here, which lists the instructions a student needs to follow during this mock exercise.
# After which the student will be asked to upload a sample scanned PDF file of maximum size 5.0MB.
# The Mock Test concludes once both the downloading and uploading process is completed.
# The student will get exactly same environment as the MTP in theor actual examination.
** During this Mock Preparation, the examinee should try keep the download and upload times within the limits already published here, taking note of the fact that in actual examination portal, they will be able to carry out the whole process ONLY once.
Important Web-Links of Gauhati University OTBE 2021
GU Mock Test Portal: Click Here .