Digital India Corporation Recruitment 2020 - 8 Project Coordinator and Field Executive Vacancy In North-East Region

Digital India Corporation.
Last Date: 27/11/2020.

Digital India Corporation has released a notification for the recruitment of 8 Project Coordinator and Field Executive (Technical) vacancy for various States in North-East Region.

1. Project Coordinator
No of posts: 
4  [Meghalaya:1, Manipur:1, Tripura:1, Assam:1]

Educational Qualification and Experience:
Graduate Degree with minimum 4 years of post-qualification experience in relevant area
Post-Graduate Degree with 2 years of post-qualification experience in relevant area .

2. Field Executive (Technical)
No of posts:
 4  [Meghalaya:1, Manipur:1, Tripura:1, Assam:1]


Educational Qualification and Experience:
Graduation Degree in Computer Science / IT having minimum 1 year of post qualification experience in relevant area
Graduate with at least one year Diploma in Computer Applications / IT having minimum 1 year of post qualification experience in relevant area.
Post-Graduation Degree in Computer Science / IT.

How to apply: Interested candidates who fulfill the necessary requirements may apply in the prescribed format and manner along with copies of certificates (regarding proof of age, qualification, experience, etc.) and submit / send the same in a sealed envelope, super scribing the envelope:
“Application for the post of & Post Code____________”, to reach the following address on or before the closing date of receipt of application .

Address for Submission of Application –

Sr. General Manager (Admin./HR)
Digital India Corporation
Electronics Niketan Annexe,
6, CGO Complex Lodhi Road
New Delhi – 110003
Tel.: +91 (11) 24360199, 24301756

An advance copy of the application can also be submitted through email along with the scanned copy of the application in the prescribed format along with the copies of the certificates (regarding proof of age, qualification, experience, etc.) to the following Email – [email protected] .
The Subject of the email should clearly mention “Application for the post of & Post Code____________”.

For each post, a separate application is necessary. The candidate should clearly mention the post and state along with the post code clearly on the envelope / email of the application .


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Statement and Argument

Basic of computer knowledge MCQ

Indian Constitution And Politics MCQ

Assam Polity

Idioms and Phrases

Sentence Correction



Spotting Errors

Theme Detection

Assam Govt Interview TOP 100 MCQ

Culture Assam MCQ

Assam GK MCQ

Assam History MCQ

Assamese Grammar Part 1 (অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ) MCQ

Assamese Grammar Part 2 (অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ) MCQ

Assamese Language MCQ

অসম ইতিহাস MCQ

Determiners (English Grammar)

Tenses (English Grammar)

অসমীয়া সাধাৰণ জ্ঞান MCQ

Prepositions (English Grammar ) MCQ

Change of Voice ( English Grammar)

Political Science MCQ

ভাৰতীয় ইতিহাস (Indian History) MCQ

Social Science (সমাজ বিজ্ঞান) MCQ

অর্থনীতি (Economics ) MCQ

Environmental Science (পৰিৱেশ বিজ্ঞান ) MCQ

PEDAGOGY (শিক্ষণ বিজ্ঞান) MCQ

ভূগোল (Geography) MCQ

গণিত (Mathematics) MCQ

পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান (Physics) MCQ

ৰাসায়ন বিজ্ঞান (Chemistry) MCQ

জীববিজ্ঞান (Biology) MCQ

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