Irrigation Department, Assam Recruitment 2020 : Apply For 550 AE and JE Vacancy Through APSC

Irrigation Department, Assam.
Last Date: 12/10/2020.

Assam Public Service Commission (APSC) has released an advertisement for the recruitment of 182 Assistant Engineer (AE) and 368 Junior Engineer (JE) Vacancy under Irrigation Department, Assam.

1. Assistant Engineer (AE) - Civil/ Mechanical/ Electrical
No of posts: 

* Civil: 128
* Mechanical: 38
* Electrical: 16

Educational Qualification: A candidate must possess a Degree in the respective branch of Engineering from any Institute recognized by AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) or a candidate having passed Part A and B of the Associate Membership Examination of the Institute of Engineers (India) and possessing a certificate to that effect from the Institution of Engineers (India). Degrees obtained through distance mode of education will not be acceptable.

Pay: Rs. 30,000/- to 1,10,000/- P.B-4 with Grade Pay of Rs.12,700/- plus  other allowances as admissible under Rules of the Govt. of Assam.
Age: The candidates should not be less than 21 years of age and not more than  38 years of age as on 01-01-2020. The upper age limit is relaxable as per govt rule.


2. Junior Engineer (JE) - Civil/Mechanical/Electrical
No of posts: 368

* Civil: 290
* Mechanical: 66
* Electrical: 12

Educational Qualification: A candidate must have passed three years diploma course in the concerned Engineering discipline from an Institution recognized by the Government, SCTE (State Council for Technical Education). Diploma obtained through distance mode of education will not be acceptable.

Pay: Rs. 14,000/- to 60,500/- P.B-2 with Grade Pay of Rs.8,700/- plus Other allowances as admissible under Rules of the Govt. of Assam.
The candidates should not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 38 years of age as on 01-01-2020. The upper age limit is relaxable as per govt rule.

Other Criteria:

(i) The candidate must be a permanent resident of Assam.
(ii) The candidate must produce PRC issued in Assam for educational purpose as a proof of residency along with the application form.
(iii) The candidate must produce registration certificate of Employment Exchange in the State of Assam along with the application form.

Application Fee:

1. General/EWS Candidate: Rs.250/- only.
2. SC/ST/OBC/MOBC: Rs.150/- only.
3. PWD/ BPL Candidate: Nil

Fees should be deposited through Treasury Challan in the Head of Account “NON TAX REVENUE, OTHER NON TAX REVENUE 0051 PSC, 105 STATE PSC APPLICATION FEE RECEIPT OF APSC” showing name of post and department. Original copy of Treasury Challan should be submitted along with the application form.
Fees can be deposited online using Government Receipt Accounting System-GRAS (Website: Candidates may pay the requisites fees (as admissible for the category mentioned above). Printed copy of Treasury Challan generated through GRAS should be submitted along with the application form. In Remarks column, candidate may write post applied for.

How to apply: Application form may be obtained by downloading from the APSC’s website . Application form DR (New form).

The name of the post applied for should be clearly written in “bold letters” in the Envelope containing the application form and it should be addressed to the Deputy Secretary, APSC, Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati-781022.

The last date of receiving duly filled up application form in the Commission’s office is fixed on 22-09-2020 during office hours
The last date of receiving duly filled up application form for the post of Assistant Engineer (AE) - Civil/Mechanical/Electrical in the Commission’s office is extended up to 12-10-2020 during office hours.

Advertisement Details: Click Here .
Application Form: Click Here .

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