6. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. A lot of travel delay is caused
B. due to the inefficiency and lack of good management
C. on behalf of the railways.
D. No error.
Answer :C
Solution :
7. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. One of the members
B. expressed doubt if
C. the Minister was an atheist.
D. No error.
Answer :B
Solution :
8. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. I have got
B. my M.Sc. degree
C. in 1988.
D. No error.
Answer :A
Solution :
9. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. Having received your letter
B. this morning, we are writing
C. to thank you for the same.
D. No error.
Answer :D
Solution :
10. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. If you lend him a book
B. he will lend it to some one else
C. and never you will get it back.
D. No error.
Answer :C
Solution :
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