Assam GK Mock Test
1. The first Ahom Monarch to assume the Hindu title "Swarganarayan" was

2. In which year, National Games was held in Assam

3. "নামঘোষাই অসমীয়া জাতীয় সাহিত্যত গীতা, উপনিষদ আদিৰ ঠাই অধিকাৰ কৰি আছে" এইষাৰ কাৰ উক্তি ?

4. Total number of Districts in Assam

5. How much percent of the Indian landmass is covered by the State of Assam

6. লক্ষ্মীনাথ বেজবৰুৱাৰ জন্ম চনটো কি?

7. বাৰ বছৰ বয়সত শংকৰদেৱক কাৰ টোলত পঢ়াবলৈ পঠোৱা হৈছিল?

8. Gibon Wildlife Sanctury is located at

9. The first Assamese film Joymoti was released in the year

10. Who was the first Chief Minister of Assam

11. Dainie Puja is celebrated by

12. বেজবৰুৱাৰ সাহিত্যিক জীৱনৰ আৰম্ভণি হয়

13. মাধৱদেৱৰ ভক্ত জীৱনৰ সৰ্বস্ব বুলি কোৱা হয়

14. Kamakhya Temple was rebuilt by which one of the following Koch King

15. তলৰ কোনখন লক্ষ্মীনাথ বেজবৰুৱাৰ নাটক নহয়?

16. Total number of Parliamentary constituency in Assam

17. Chamangkan festival is celebrated by

18. In which district, Garampani Wildlife sanctuary is located

19. মাধৱদেৱৰ লীলাবিষয়ক গীতখিনিৰ এটি বিষয় হৈছে

20. Gibon Wild Life Sanctury is located at–

21. মহাপুৰুষ শংকৰদেৱ ৰচিত কাব্যৰ সংখ্যা

22. চন্দ্ৰকুমাৰ আগৰৱালাই সম্পাদনা কৰা আলোচনীখনৰ নাম কি?

23. The Shiv dol was constructed during the reign of

24. পদ্মনাথ গোহাঞি বৰুন্বাৰ ধেমেলীয়া নাটকখন হ’ল

25. তলৰ কোনখন নাটক বেজবৰুৱাই ৰচনা কৰে

26. In addition to Assamese, which other language from the State is included in the Eight Schedule of the Indian Constitution

27. The first Peasant Uprising against the British was known as

28. Kherai Puja is performed by

29. ‘ভানুমতী’ উপন্যাসৰ ৰচক কোন?

30. Which language is used by Sankardev to written Borgeets